Publish with us

Whether you write prose, fiction, non-fiction, do illustrations, or just create whatever inspires you, we can help you get your works published in either print, digitally, or both.

By utilizing Amazon’s unique Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program, we can help you to get your work out there. Publishing through KDP costs you nothing. Amazon covers the costs of printing and shipping your book up front, while listing it on all of its marketplace platforms across the world. You set the price for your book, and Amazon pays all earned profits beyond their printing costs (roughly 60% of the list price).

We can handle all the technical details such as typesetting and book formatting, as well as the front and back cover design. You concentrate on your creative process while we handle the rest. Our service also includes promotional strategies to help get your book noticed, including listing on our website. We charge you 10% of the profit earned through each sale, which is a nominal fee considering the effort we put into making your book a success in the marketplace.

Contact us if you have an interest in allowing us to handle the publishing of your book or if you have any questions about our services and the KDP program.

We look forward to publishing for you!